I am in a god awful mood today. Coworkers don't understand how to be on time for a meeting, and when they realize they are going to be late, they choose to NOT email you to let you know. Assholes.
The idea of today's sassy, bitchy blog came from a close friend of mine from my hometown. Apparently her mother's friend started a GFM, but due to privacy settings on her Facebook, I was unable to locate hers. So I went searching and found today's from Brazoria, Texas. Sounds exotic. Devin is in a conundrum. She wants to lose weight so she is getting weight loss surgery. Her insurance covers her expenses, but the deductibles are really getting to her and she will greatly "except" any amount that can be given to her. Cute. She is seeking $8,000 for her various expenses.
Disclaimer: Anything written here is solely for entertainment purposes. By no means is the writer of this blog shaming those who decide a weight loss surgery is for them. This writer has several loved ones that have gone through different weight loss surgeries and supports them 100%. However, don't ask the general public for $8,000.
Devin, of all the weight loss GFM pages I came across, I chose to pick on you because of your awful grammar. It's really, really awful. (But please know I'm secretly cheering for you as you take this journey to become healthier. I'm just going to make fun of your page for a bit.)
What in the flying fuck. No. No. No. $8,000? I'm not an insurance expert, but what kind of healthcare do you have that you have a $8,000 deductible? No. I'm calling bullshit right here Devin.
As with most of the GFM pages I come across, what clicks inside your brain to ask the general public for funds to pay for your past mistakes? As Lady Gaga once said, we were born this way. No, we really fucking weren't. We may have been born with the love of donuts, bagels, Costco pizza and cream-based pasta sauces, but we were not born obese. Those were choices made along the course of our lives. Your choices, your problems. Change your lifestyle or pay for your own fucking surgery.
Your page states you're reaching out to friends and family for support. Ok, I understand that. They should support you. But send an email or make an announcement at fucking Thanksgiving dinner or something. A GFM page with a few cute pictures and poor grammar is just tacky and makes me want to drink.
Along with other issues that a large majority of people suffer with (depression, anxiety, self-confidence, etc), obesity is not something to make fun of. It's hurtful and nothing positive will come of it. But when you choose to ask for $8,000 in funds to support a surgery that you truly do not need, you deserve a few comical pokes. Save the money and pay for it yourself or suffer through a diet, exercise and lifestyle change. This is something that can be changed through your own will power and determination. Check yourself, get to fucking Planet Fitness, join Weight Watchers, do whatever you need to. With the $690 you've raised so far, I would suggest taking a basic English class at your local community college to work on the grammar.
Ponuda zajma po 2% stope je vrlo zanimljiva u kojoj sam našao Pedro zajam ponuditi originalan i brz postupak zajma ikad, jer otkad sam podnio zahtjev za zajam Pedro i njegovu zajamnu tvrtku u New Yorku, uspio sam upravljati svojim poslom i podmiriti se Ostale financijske potrebe, Pedro i njegova zajamna tvrtka nude mi zajam po stopi od 2% od 2 milijuna eura za moj posao pokretanja i tako sam ponosan što objavim da je Pedro zajam ponuda najbolje mjesto za stjecanje bilo koje vrste za bilo koju vrstu Zajmovi.
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