Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Help Olivia enjoy being 24 years old!

What a great first account to share on this page. Everyone, meet Olivia! I'll sum up her story for you.
She's 24, went to two different colleges and lives in Los Angeles. It's expensive there and she has student loans and wants to go on vacation and not work extra shifts. She's asking for $60,000 to help pay her loans. She has three that she has to pay on every month, in addition to other things like rent, food and champagne. Every dollar raised will go towards those loans though!

I'm not sure if this request makes me want to laugh because it's so funny or if I want to stick my head into a 500 degree oven and call it good.

Unfortunately, college is really fucking expensive. Everyone, rich or poor, will agree with that. At age 24, I will assume that the majority of Olivia's friends and contacts on Facebook are experiencing a similar situation. Struggling with an entry level job while attempting to make ends meet and paying down those ding dang student loans. I wish I had the balls to ask my friends to pay my student loans! What courage.

Los Angeles is also expensive. Everyone knows that. I'm pretty sure the first line you're told after you've been shoved out of your mother's uterus is, "Don't move to LA, it's expensive there." I'm sorry, dear Olivia, but no one is going to take your $60,000 request seriously when you're in LA. Move back to Michigan and take part in some local fashion shows and work from the ground up like so many other aspiring designers. However, if you're asking for $60,000 to pay for your loans, you probably aren't wise enough to consider the alternative and move the fuck out of California.

It must be nice to enjoy being 24 and to not work that hard. She really wants to not have to work so many doubles and maybe take a few trips. Wake up and smell the smog dear. If you want that life in Los Angeles as a inexperienced 20-something, you're going to be working quite a few doubles. Want a vacation? Since you live in Southern California, pretend you're on vacation all the time, or take my earlier advice and FUCKING MOVE.

Good luck though on the $60k babe xo
