Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Pay for Erika's U-Haul + $1,220 for Taco Bell

Happy hump day my friends!

Today's shameful post comes to us from Dubuque, Iowa. Meet Erika and Anthony. In summary (see link at the bottom of the page if you are inclined), they need $2,000 to move back to Michigan (their home state) from Iowa. Their car isn't able to drive that far of a distance, the U-Haul is expensive, gas is expensive, and earning your GED is expensive. Gal darn things are just so fucking expensive!

Disclaimer: Anything and everything written is solely for entertainment purposes. In no way, shape or form is the writer of this blog entry discouraging Erika or Anthony for following their dreams to move home. However, work your ass off like everyone else. Not our fault that your car is falling apart.

Once again, this GFM was sent to me by a friend and upon the initial reading of the request, I understood the hardship. Poor, struggling kids with a young baby (those damn babies are overpriced, if you didn't already know) living in Iowa, several hundred miles from both of their families. Then I re-read and came to my senses. Why the fuck did you move to Iowa? It can't have been for a job. I don't think anyone would pick up and move to Dubuque unless it was for a job that paid well, and if you can't afford a moving truck, I'll take a wild guess that it wasn't worth the move. It also had to have cost a pretty penny to get all of their shit out there. Seems baffling to me.

Next, the actual GFM page states that the young family will be living with the child's grandfather and step grandmother until they can get on their feet and into their own home. Two points to raise here. The first - come on now. You will be living rent free. You can't scrounge up the $600 for the U-Haul? Seriously, what kind of job moved you to Dubuque, Iowa that won't allow you to save $150 per month in order to pay for said U-Haul? The second - where the fuck are the baby's grandparents? Why is money being requested on the internet from strangers instead of the grandparents? Perhaps Granny and Grampy are recovering financially from a move back from Iowa as well? Sounds like everyone here needs to see a financial planner one day.

The actual request is for $2,000. As broken down on the page, they need around $600 for the U-Haul and around $180 for gas. That equals $780. That is a difference of $1,220. What is the additional $1,220 going towards? That's a lot of Arby's and Taco Bell pit stops from Iowa to Michigan!
(I personally have to drive to Indiana next week. Perhaps I should start a GFM for $100 so I can stop at every Cracker Barrel along the way. Yum.) The page does, without so many words, suggest it will be going to getting E and A back on their feet. However, it's more fun to assume about all those cheesy gordita crunches.

Lastly, it states in the final section of the GFM page that Anthony will be working while Erika completes her GED. I'll offer you some advice, young whippersnappers. Both of you need to work. Nobody ever made it big by sitting around on their bum and reading a book of high school learning materials. There are GED courses that are offered online at your own pace, or something called Night School. Instead of asking for donations online, get yourself a job and contribute to your bank account and to society. Make your kid proud of you.Where there is a will, there will always be a way.

$425 of your $2,000 goal has been met. Not quite enough for the U-Haul, but more than enough for the gas and for some value menu quesadillas.

Have you stumbled across a page that seems unnecessary? Send them my way!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite aspect of the GFM link is all of the exclamation points - really getting the point across !!!! :)
